The Saturday Morning Posts®
All of my posts, with the latest post always on top.
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Through my love of writing, I have published two books and have several others in development. The purpose of my books is to help my readers get to where they want to go by offering ideas that have greatly helped me in my life and business.
These posts are written for you. Some are about life and some are about business. Who knows, they may inspire you to tell your own stories about your life and family to your kids and grandkids. Or perhaps they will help you to build your business. Anyway, these are some of the things that inspire me, and I enjoy sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll also find them meaningful. I welcome any suggestions you may have for topics that interest you.

Humility "Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right." Ezra Taft Benson Thomas Jefferson said, "If you are upset with someone count to ten, if you are really upset with someone count to one hundred." On the other hand, Mark Twain...

Kindness "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato This quotation is as relevant today as it was 2500 years ago. In fact, we generally have no idea what other people are dealing with, from the cashier at the store, to our family, coworkers, and...

The Gift of You
The Gift of You "Nothing you do for a child is ever wasted." Garrison Keillor Now, let me say this right up front. What I am about to suggest to you is very powerful, so only do this if you are going to do it with a sincere motive of giving. Having said that, I have...

Three Magic Words
Three Magic Words "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." G.K. Chesterton When I started to get some traction in selling life insurance in my first few years, newer agents would come into my office sometimes to lament. It was too hard, they didn't know anybody,...

Persistence “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” Alexander the Great I’ve noticed something about many people, including myself. We allow ourselves to be distracted by our own negative self-talk. An antidote to this is to bring your mind back to your...
____________________________________________________________________ ex·traor·di·nar·y 1. very unusual...

Get On the Jet!
"If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." Stephen Covey A longtime friend of mine loves to play golf, and he has a great business that he built one client at a time. It's not a glamourous business, but it is a good business that...

A Brilliant Idea!
A Brilliant Idea! "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." Linus Pauling What is a brilliant idea that you can use to help your very best clients and referral sources move towards their best life going forward? I've seen lots of ideas that look...

The Buffett Test
The Buffet Test "Regardless of the numbers, I never work with anyone I don't like, trust, or respect.” Warren Buffett When I first read Warren Buffett’s quotation above, I realized that I had been putting up with a lot of baloney for a long time in order to make...