The Saturday Morning Posts®

All of my posts, with the latest post always on top.

For a list of all my posts please visit my archives page

Through my love of writing, I have published two books and have several others in development. The purpose of my books is to help my readers get to where they want to go by offering ideas that have greatly helped me in my life and business.

These posts are written for you. Some are about life and some are about business. Who knows, they may inspire you to tell your own stories about your life and family to your kids and grandkids. Or perhaps they will help you to build your business. Anyway, these are some of the things that inspire me, and I enjoy sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll also find them meaningful. I welcome any suggestions you may have for topics that interest you.

Gifted Children

Gifted Children

Gifted Children "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." Unknown You are gifted. You were born that way. Not only that, but you have so many gifts, talents and abilities that, when blended with your personality, experiences and circumstances,...

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Before We Say “Goodnight”

Before We Say “Goodnight”

Before We Say “Goodnight” “Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead, ought to tell a child to go to bed.” Robert Gallagher I know you love your kids, but have you considered telling them bedtime stories about your life and family? It’s easy to do and you can...

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The World’s Second Best Referral Method

The World’s Second Best Referral Method

The World’s Second Best Referral Method “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Seneca Years ago, I invented a very effective and very simple referral method that worked nearly every time I used it. I stumbled on it over time working with dentists...

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How To Refer Someone

How To Refer Someone

How to Refer Someone to His or Her Very Best Clients “My father said there are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.” Marlo Thomas Uh, shouldn’t that title read “How to be referred to your very...

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Integrity "Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way." Aristotle Customers are often suspicious of salespeople, especially those they've just met. You likely have experienced this yourself. Many think that salespeople will say anything...

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The Big Three Interview – Part II

The Big Three Interview – Part II

The Big Three Interview- Part II “Focus and keep it simple.” Steve Jobs Would you like to have an endless flow of your very best clients, referral sources and opportunities? These are what I call the Big Three, and they will be revealed to you when you have completed...

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The Big Three Interview – Part I

The Big Three Interview – Part I

The Big Three Interview "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." Bill Gates  Would you like to be referred to your very best clients, over and over again? The best possible way to do that is to introduce others to their...

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Referral Upgrade

Referral Upgrade

Referral Upgrade As I see it, my job is to help people achieve their dreams. It’s that simple. I connect the right people to the right people or ideas. The more clients I help in this way and the bigger the numbers, the better the results. Your business likely works...

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Welcome to Saturday Mornings

Welcome to Saturday Mornings

During the week, just like its writer, is focused mostly on business development, but on the weekend the blog and I turn our attention towards family. And what better place to start than how to make the most of our time with our kids, though we will...

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Welcome To My New Blog!

Welcome To My New Blog!

The purpose of this blog is to share ideas with you about how you can live your vision of your best life going forward, by helping others live theirs, in business and personally. This is what I want to do for myself, my family and friends, customers and readers. I...

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