“Just remember this, when you think you have exhausted all your resources, you haven’t.”

Thomas Edison

Two thousand and twenty-one is going to be a great year.  Why is that? Because we are going to make it so. We have a brand new year ahead of us, and it will be what we make it. Henry Ford knew this, and he lived in much tougher times than these. His quote, “If it is to be, it is up to me,” has always been my attitude, since way before I heard it. Speaking of great car guy quotations, this is another favorite of mine:

We are often presented with great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.” Lee Iacoca.

So “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in the box,” said Tom Selleck on an episode of Magnum P.I., probably because Tom played baseball in college. That quote has helped me get back up when I have been knocked down too. 

Les Brown, one of my favorite inspirational speakers, said, “If you get knocked down, try to land on your back, because if you can look up you can get up!”

Lastly, I thought you might enjoy this bit I found on Youtube last night, if you are an It’s a Wonderful Life fan like me.

50 Things you don’t need to know about It’s a Wonderful Life

Thanks for reading my posts, and please send me your favorite inspirational quotes. They come in handy from time to time.

I am wishing you your best year yet!

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