“To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”
Mother Teresa

I always knew I wanted to get married when I grew up. I thought about it a lot. Over time, I began to think there must be something wrong with me or I would have found her by now, all the usual baloney that single people tell themselves.

But there was a small part of me that believed that I would find her, and focusing on that helped to silence the negative thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the idea of a vision board, in which you put photos and quotations and anything else on a board to keep your dreams in front of you. I couldn’t see quite how to do that with the subject of marriage.

So I created a vision post it! I didn’t call it that, but that’s what it became. And I put it in a place where I would be sure to see it many times everyday– on my refrigerator, right square at my eye level, when I grabbed the handle to open the door.

I also wrote it in code to keep it private. ODCTMW stands for “one day closer to my wife.” I believed that I would find her, and every passing day that note affirmed that I was getting closer. And it worked! Eventually, I met and married my wonderful wife, Liz, a blessing for which I am daily grateful.

What dream do you have that needs a little help to be kept alive? Try my vision post. Create your code, and use it to help you to achieve your dreams.

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