The Three Steps

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever noticed that some people can be difficult to get along with? Well, I have, and some of them are related to me. For instance, they can be grumpy or sullen or just plain critical.

Over time, I have noticed a remarkable thing. There is no magic button that can transform these unnamed loved ones or others to be nicer. But there are three steps you can take that will make a huge difference. And I’ve also noticed that I am completely in charge of these three steps. And here they are:

  • Eliminate anger (you can get 90% there just by not raising your voice)
  • Be kind
  • Eliminate unnecessary criticism

When I do these three things, in moments of stress, I notice that others are way easier to get along with. Their mood and manner improve immediately, and they are also less likely to be angry and critical with me.

This seems to work on nearly everyone, and it even works on me. Give it a try, and let me know if you have similar results. It really comes down to this. The nicer I am with them, the nicer they are with me.

By the way, I read a terrific somewhat related book recently that I would highly recommend. It has sold over 10,000,000 copies worldwide and started with just a small idea from one man’s observation of himself.

Click here to see it on Amazon. It’s called, A Complaint Free World: How to stop complaining and start enjoying the life you always wanted by Will Bowen.

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