The World’s Second Best Referral Method

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

Years ago, I invented a very effective and very simple referral method that worked nearly every time I used it. I stumbled on it over time working with dentists as clients in my life insurance business. I didn’t call it “The World’s Second Best Referral Method” but it sure worked for me back then and I only began to call it that after I wrote Referral Upgrade: A New Way to Find Your Very Best Clients, which is the world’s best referral method.

This method will work in any group you are a member of, such as a chamber of commerce or any professional association. It also works with a group that you are not a member of but have some access to, such as my example of the dental association.

This method was a key component in my going from 0 to 300 dentist clients in less than three years. It is very easy to use, and if you follow the exact instructions below, you will have great success with it. And here’s how it works.

I created a list of several thousand dentists in the Los Angeles area. When I delivered an approved insurance policy to a dentist client, I pulled out the list, and a pre-addressed and stamped return envelope made out to me. (I rarely used the envelope as you will see) As I handed the list to the dentist, I said these exact words, “What I’ve asked a lot of my dentist clients to do is to check off who they know that I might send a letter to.” That one sentence was my referral speech in its entirety, and I never varied from it.

I noticed that if they took the list, they always checked off names of the dentists they knew right then and gave it back to me. As they handed the list back, I asked, “May I say you suggested I call?” The answer was always yes, and I never received less than 15 referrals. My best was over 400 referrals in one visit from a dentist who had a heart attack shortly after I had sold him a disability policy. Afterwards, he was so grateful to have the policy that he did everything he could to help me succeed. If you have access to a list of a group of interrelated people that you would like to work with, you might try this. A word of caution, use this method only where you are authorized to use such a list for business purposes.

Good luck!

And if you want the very best referral method, check out Referral Upgrade: A New Way to Find Your Very Best Clients at or Amazon.

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