The Saturday Morning Posts®

All of my posts, with the latest post always on top.

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Through my love of writing, I have published two books and have several others in development. The purpose of my books is to help my readers get to where they want to go by offering ideas that have greatly helped me in my life and business.

These posts are written for you. Some are about life and some are about business. Who knows, they may inspire you to tell your own stories about your life and family to your kids and grandkids. Or perhaps they will help you to build your business. Anyway, these are some of the things that inspire me, and I enjoy sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll also find them meaningful. I welcome any suggestions you may have for topics that interest you.


Spontaneity "Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game." Michael Jordan When I was a kid, we had a whole lot of fun. I lived on a cul-de-sac...

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Zora “The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.” Ralph Waldo Emerson When I was nineteen, I was a bus boy at The Magic Pan Restaurant in the Woodland Hills Promenade. They did quite a lunch business, and we were...

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Waterskiing "Work without fun is like peanut butter without jelly." Jase Robertson Years ago, my study group with Matt, Marc, Kevin and me met at Matt’s beach house in Galveston, Texas, for our annual three days of talking about business, life and family. We’ve been...

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The Fridge

The Fridge

The Fridge "A penny saved is a penny earned." Benjamin Franklin A few weeks ago, our son was standing in front of the refrigerator with the door open. He gazed at the interior for quite a while, pondering what to have. And then he gazed some more. From the kitchen...

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The Catch

The Catch

The Catch "The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen." G.K. Chesterson Congratulations to the Houston Astros on winning the World Series! What an exciting Series, heartbreaking, but exciting. I love baseball and could watch any game and enjoy it...a...

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The Marathon

The Marathon

The Marathon "Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it." Danny Kaye One day, hanging out with a few friends in my early thirties, I asked them a question. "How would you like to do something you can tell your grandkids about?" When...

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Golf Is Fun!

Golf Is Fun!

Golf is Fun! "Golf is a nice walk spoiled." Mark Twain Ok, golf can be a pain in the neck, that's true. But it is also fun when I remember the following: That it affords me the camaraderie of my friends. When I manage to have fun playing, even when not playing well....

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Dog in Training

Dog in Training

Dog in Training "If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them." Phil Pastoret Our dog Rayfe is a golden retriever. But with a nod to P.G. Wodehouse, I like to think of him as a Gorgonzola Cheese Hound....

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The Promise

The Promise

The Promise "A joy that's shared is a joy made double." English Proverb My Aunt Janice and Uncle Gordon had five kids between them. So when my cousin Hawley was born, they hired a nanny to help out. And oh, what a nanny she was! Mrs. Edna Duvall was her full name,...

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Sex Education

Sex Education

Sex Education "Surprise, surprise!" Gomer Pyle When I was about eleven and my sister was thirteen, I was elated to hear that, for the first time ever, they were going to teach sex education in school. I knew next to nothing about sex, other than that it was an...

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