The Saturday Morning Posts®

All of my posts, with the latest post always on top.

For a list of all my posts please visit my archives page

Through my love of writing, I have published two books and have several others in development. The purpose of my books is to help my readers get to where they want to go by offering ideas that have greatly helped me in my life and business.

These posts are written for you. Some are about life and some are about business. Who knows, they may inspire you to tell your own stories about your life and family to your kids and grandkids. Or perhaps they will help you to build your business. Anyway, these are some of the things that inspire me, and I enjoy sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll also find them meaningful. I welcome any suggestions you may have for topics that interest you.

Can a sandwich change your life?

Can a sandwich change your life?

Can a sandwich change your life? "Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today." Mark Twain How would you like to make five bucks...and change your belief about what is possible for you? Consider this an experiment to prove a simple point. It has to do with a...

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I need sleep…now!

I need sleep…now!

I need! "To sleep, perchance to dream..." William Shakespeare Years ago, I asked my good friend Guy Bond if he had a roommate for a meeting we would both be attending. He replied succinctly, "I'm old enough to have my own room." This struck me as very...

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How to Get Rid of Stuff

How to Get Rid of Stuff

How to Get Rid of Stuff “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein Well, it’s a whole new year. And maybe you’re like me, and you love getting rid of stuff that is no longer useful. Or...

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Brain Twisters

Brain Twisters

Brain Twisters "That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along." Madeleine L'Engle My kids and I enjoy riddles and wordplay. Not only are they fun to think about, they are a fun way to spend time together....

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The Battery Test

The Battery Test

The Battery Test “Does it charge my batteries or does it drain ‘em?" Harry Shiavone The Screen Tests described in these three successive posts illustrate an easy way to help you identify the best people and opportunities for you. The beautiful thing is that the...

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James Einstein

James Einstein

James Einstein "Stop trying to be someone you are not. If people don't like you for who you are, they're not going to like who you are pretending to be either." Anonymous We celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago with our kids. During a lull in our dinner...

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Four Simple Email Rules

Four Simple Email Rules

Four Simple Email Rules "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." Will Rogers Never have an attitude when writing an email. When we have an attitude in writing an email two things happen. The likelihood that the person on the other end will want to help us...

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Snake Hunting

Snake Hunting

Snake Hunting "Life is an exciting business." Helen Keller Warning: Don't read this post if you don't like snakes. You won't like them any better after you read this. Snake Hunting is an interesting hobby. As a kid I used to catch snakes for fun. Usually they were...

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Quit Flying Standby

Quit Flying Standby

Quit Flying Standby "Flying Standby" is asking for referrals in a hit-and-miss manner that generally yields few or random results. Just like you, I flew standby through most of my career when asking for referrals until I had an "aha moment" that woke me up in the...

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