The Saturday Morning Posts®

All of my posts, with the latest post always on top.

For a list of all my posts please visit my archives page

Through my love of writing, I have published two books and have several others in development. The purpose of my books is to help my readers get to where they want to go by offering ideas that have greatly helped me in my life and business.

These posts are written for you. Some are about life and some are about business. Who knows, they may inspire you to tell your own stories about your life and family to your kids and grandkids. Or perhaps they will help you to build your business. Anyway, these are some of the things that inspire me, and I enjoy sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll also find them meaningful. I welcome any suggestions you may have for topics that interest you.

How To Meditate

How To Meditate

How To Meditate "The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest." Seneca the Younger We are passing through challenging times. And sometimes we get so busy that we don’t take a moment to just chill out. When I am...

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Are You an Undiscovered Genius?

Are You an Undiscovered Genius?

Are You an Undiscovered Genius? “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein No one would dispute that Einstein and Picasso are geniuses. Even those who aren’t...

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What’s Up?

What’s Up?

What's Up? "Give and you will receive." Luke 6:38 "Give and you will receive" is the central concept of my book Referral Upgrade and is also what makes it work. I tend to think that the idea behind this quotation is that when we give to others, we receive favor from...

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Just Rest

Just Rest

Just Rest "People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one." Leo Burke Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, and the reason for it is almost always the same. I had a nonstop day packed with mental activity, and my mind is just on....

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Press On

Press On

Press On Some things are hard to improve upon, as is this advice from Calvin Coolidge. Every truly successful person history shares this characteristic. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful...

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Inspiration "The world is but a canvas for our imagination." Henry David Thoreau It's funny where inspiration comes from. Many of my posts are sparked by conversations that remind me of something I have forgotten about. Or a friend's comment may make me look at...

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ODCTMW "To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it." Mother Teresa I always knew I wanted to get married when I grew up. I thought about it a lot. Over time, I began to think there must be something wrong with me or I would have found her by now, all...

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Forgiveness "Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness." H. Jackson Brown Sometimes I get angry, more than I would like to be, which is not at all. And usually my anger is directed at someone else, rather...

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Listening "Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens." Jimi Hendrix Though I was not a huge Jimi Hendrix fan, it's hard to deny his virtuosity. And I just love this quotation. Having spent most of my career in sales, I have become aware over the years that the less I talk, the...

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Iligitimus non carborundum est

Iligitimus non carborundum est

Persist "What lies behind you and what lies before you is of small matter compared to what lies within you.” Ralph Waldo Emerson When I first started in business, I was as green as they get. Though I went through all kinds of training, licensing and study, it was a...

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